International trade in services statistics by service

Exports 2000-2023

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     S...All services
    1...Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others
     1.1...Goods for processing in reporting economy – Goods returned , Goods received
     1.2...Goods for processing abroad - Goods sent , Goods returned
     2...Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.
    3.1...Sea transport
    3.1.1...Passenger transport, Sea
     3.1.1.a...Passenger transport, Sea, Payable by border, seasonal, short-term workers
     3.1.2...Freight transport, Sea
     3.1.3...Other transport, Sea (other than passenger and freight)
    3.2...Air transport
    3.2.1...Passenger transport, Air
     3.2.1.a...Passenger transport, Air, Payable by border, seasonal, short-term workers
     3.2.2...Freight transport, Air
     3.2.3...Other transport, Air (other than passenger and freight)
    3.3...Other modes of transport (other than sea and air)
    3.3.1...Other modes of transport, Passenger
     3.3.1.a...Other modes of transport, Passenger, Payable by border, seasonal, short-term workers
     3.3.2...Other modes of transport, Freight
     3.3.3...Other modes of transport, Other (other than passenger and freight)
     3.5...Space transport
    3.6...Rail transport
     3.6.1...Passenger transport, Rail
     3.6.2...Freight transport, Rail
     3.6.3...Other transport, Rail
    3.7...Road transport
     3.7.1...Passenger transport, Road
     3.7.2...Freight transport, Road
     3.7.3...Other transport, Road
    3.8...Inland waterway transport
     3.8.1...Passenger transport, Inland waterway
     3.8.2...Freight transport, Inland waterway
     3.8.3...Other transport, Inland waterway
     3.9...Pipeline transport
     3.10...Electricity transmission
     3.11...Other supporting and auxiliary transport services
    3.4...Postal and courier services
     SC41X...Memo item: Postal services
     SC42X...Memo item: Courier services
    3a.1...Passenger transport, All modes (alternative breakdown)
     3a.1.1...Passenger transport, All modes, Payable by border, seasonal, and other short-term workers (alternative breakdown)
     3a.2...Freight transport, All modes (alternative breakdown)
    3a.3...Other transport (other than passenger and freight), All modes (alternative breakdown)
     3a.31...Other transport, All modes (other than passenger and freight, postal and courier) (alternative breakdown)
    4.1...Travel, Business
     4.1.1...Travel, Business, Acquisition of goods and services by border, seasonal, short-term workers
     4.1.2...Travel, Business, Other (other than acquisition of goods and services by border and short-term workers)
    4.2...Travel, Personal
     4.2.1...Travel, Personal, Health-related
     4.2.2...Travel, Personal, Education-related
     4.2.3...Travel, Personal, Other (other than health and education)
     4a.1...Travel, Goods (alternative breakdown)
     4a.2...Travel, Local transport (alternative breakdown)
     4a.3...Travel, Accommodation (alternative breakdown)
     4a.4...Travel, Food-serving (alternative breakdown)
    4a.5...Travel, Other services (alternative breakdown)
     4a.5.1...Travel, Other services, Health (alternative breakdown)
     4a.5.2...Travel, Other services, Education (alternative breakdown)
     SDZ...Tourism-related services in travel and passenger transport (alternative breakdown)
     5.1...Construction abroad
     5.2...Construction in the reporting economy
    6...Insurance and pension services
    6.1...Direct insurance
    6.1.1...Life insurance
     6.1.1.a...Gross life insurance premiums receivable (credits) and payable (debits)
     6.1.1.b...Gross life insurance claims receivable (credits) and payable (debits)
    6.1.2...Freight insurance
     6.1.2.a...Gross freight insurance premiums receivable (credits) and payable (debits)
     6.1.2.b...Gross freight insurance claims receivable (credits) and payable (debits)
    6.1.3...Other direct insurance
     6.1.3.a...Gross other direct insurance premiums receivable (credits) and payable (debits)
     6.1.3.b...Gross other direct insurance claims receivable (credits) and payable (debits)
     6.3...Auxiliary insurance services
    6.4...Pension and standardized guaranteed services
     6.4.1...Pension services
     6.4.2...Standardized guarantee services
    7...Financial services
     7.1...Explicitly charged and other financial services
     7.2...Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)
    8...Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e.
     8.1...Franchises and trademarks licensing fees
     8.2...Licences for the use of outcomes of research and development
     8.3...Licences to reproduce and/or distribute computer software
    8.4...Licences to reproduce and/or distribute audio-visual and related products
     8.4.1...Licences to reproduce and/or distribute audio-visual products
     8.4.2...Licences to reproduce and/or distribute other related audio-visual products
    9...Telecommunications, computer, and information services
     9.1...Telecommunications services
    9.2...Computer services
    9.2.1...Computer services, Software
     9.2.1.a...Computer services, Software, Software originals
     9.2.2...Computer services, Other (other than software)
    9.3...Information services
     9.3.1...Information services, News agency
     9.3.2...Information services, Other (other than news agency)
    10...Other business services
    10.1...Research and development (R&D)
    10.1.1...R&D, Work undertaken on a systematic basis to increase the stock of knowledge, Provision of customized and non-customized R&D services, Sale of proprietary rights arising from R&D, Patents, Copyrights arising from R&D, Industrial processes and designs, Other sales of proprietary rights arising from R&D (other than patents, copyrights, industrial processes)
     10.1.2...R&D, Other than work undertaken on a systematic basis to increase the stock of knowledge
    10.2...Professional and management consulting services
    10.2.1...Legal, accounting, management consulting, and public relations services services, auditing, bookkeeping, and tax consulting services and management consulting and public relations services
    10.2.2...Advertising, market research, and public opinion polling services, market research, and public opinion polling, Convention, trade-fair and exhibition organization services
    10.3...Technical, trade-related, and other business services
    10.3.1...Architectural, engineering, scientific, and other technical services services services and other technical services
    10.3.2...Waste treatment and de-pollution, agricultural and mining services treatment and de-pollution incidental to agriculture, forestry and fishing incidental to mining, and oil and gas extraction
     SJ32X...Memo grouping: Services incidental to agriculture and mining (alternative breakdown)
     10.3.3...Operating leasing services
     10.3.4...Trade-related services
    10.3.5...Other business services n.i.e. business services n.i.e., Employment services (search, placement and supply services of personnel)
    11...Personal, cultural, and recreational services
    11.1...Audiovisual and related services
    11.1.1...Audio-visual services
     11.1.1.a...Audio-visual services, Audio-visual originals
     11.1.2...Artistic related services (audiovisual and related)
    11.2...Other personal, cultural, and recreational services (other than audiovisual and related)
     11.2.1...Other personal, cultural, and recreational services, Health services
     11.2.2...Other personal, cultural, and recreational services, Education services
     11.2.3...Other personal, cultural, and recreational services, Heritage and recreational services
     11.2.4...Other personal services (other than audiovisual and related, other than health, education and heritage)
    12...Government goods and services n.i.e.
     12.1...Government, Embassies and consulates
     12.2...Government, Military units and agencies
    12.3...Other government goods and services n.i.e.
     SL31X...Memo item: Government services, Reimbursement of MSs' cost of collecting own resources
     SL32X...Memo item: Government services, Building rentals
     SL33X...Memo item: Government services, Other goods and services n.i.e., Other
     S_VAR...Various services
     SN...Services not allocated
    SOX...Memo item: Commercial services
     SOX1...Memo item: Other commercial services