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List of importers for the selected product in 2023

Product : 2009 Jus de fruits - y.c. les moûts de raisins - ou de légumes, non-fermentés, sans addition d'alcool, ...

Rows per page
Value imported in 2023 (USD thousand)sortOrderDESCTrade balance in 2023 (USD thousand)Quantity imported in 2023Quantity UnitUnit value (USD/unit)Annual growth in value between 2019-2023 (%)Annual growth in quantity between 2019-2023 (%)Annual growth in value between 2022-2023 (%)Share in world imports (%)Average distance of supplying countries (km)Concentration of supplying countriesAverage tariff (estimated) applied by the country (%)
Monde 17,330,603-165,8220Pas de quantité 5 51005,3840.07
Etats-Unis d'Amérique 3,433,025-2,689,4810Pas de quantité 16 019.87,8830.124
Pays-Bas 1,468,024219,1041,107,888Tonnes1,3254088.56,1320.1711
Allemagne 1,379,012-497,827899,758Tonnes1,533-2-71183,7780.1411
France 1,206,910-990,9371,030,653Tonnes1,171-2-61372,5080.1211
Royaume-Uni 1,063,572-1,015,272843,896Tonnes1,2601-6-46.13,8230.1210.7
Chine 784,043126,558505,960Tonnes1,5502428414.58,0880.1216.6
Japon 736,673-695,706287,011Tonnes2,5672-394.310,6620.0815.5
Belgique 677,739160,924671,859Tonnes1,009-3-8-23.95,5930.3711
Canada 659,686-450,887401,305Mètres cubes1,6444 -13.85,5000.241.3
Autriche 380,68437,361205,671Tonnes1,85190-82.21,1520.1311
Espagne 367,066726,602227,235Tonnes1,61512792.14,0680.0711
Italie 319,400336,675202,468Tonnes1,57883141.82,0380.1211
Pologne 317,609578,692179,477Tonnes1,7704-1-21.82,9660.111
Corée, République de 226,009-179,34892,150Tonnes2,453-2-151.39,2440.1233.7
Irlande 194,631-57,70489,297Tonnes2,1801-9221.14,8420.2211
Suède 178,747-163,857122,365Tonnes1,46110811,0600.1711
Russie, Fédération de 176,831-143,8350Pas de quantité 4 -512,5210.16.6
Australie 168,570-108,5230Pas de quantité 4 119,2660.133.1
Arabie saoudite 149,356-129,5960Pas de quantité 9 110.94,8750.125.6
Suisse 148,448-125,82267,485Tonnes2,2003-150.93,4370.1234.4
Danemark 145,296-58,185121,119Tonnes1,2000510.82,0580.1911
Afrique du Sud 129,150205,96274,689Tonnes1,7298-450.710,5290.3911.7
Portugal 120,061-72,21692,323Tonnes1,30000220.71,1960.4711
République tchèque 102,960-72,29183,892Tonnes1,22764110.69570.1411
Sources: ITC calculations based on UN COMTRADE and ITC statistics.
The world aggregation represents the sum of reporting and non reporting countries
The data in orange represents mirror figures based on partner data.
The quantities shown in dark green are estimated by ITC. For further information, please refer to the ITC explanatory note.
The quantities shown in light green are estimated by UNSD. For further information, please refer to the UNSD explanatory note.
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