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List of importers for the selected product

Product: 5808 Braids of textile materials, in the piece; ornamental trimmings of textile materials, in the ...

Unit : US Dollar thousand
Time Period (number of columns) :  
Rows per page
HS4ImportersImported value in 2019Imported value in 2020Imported value in 2021Imported value in 2022Imported value in 2023sortOrderDESC
World 638,444483,481625,336601,238384,110
United States of America 43,34135,43745,52948,13444,468
Viet Nam 210,291186,438248,360229,95231,430
India 22,18716,93429,68627,67018,477
Germany 16,01916,93221,68118,19918,314
France 19,50616,07419,19518,51117,412
Czech Republic 7,3178,0049,9299,96210,753
United Kingdom 9,8808,1639,06111,4699,892
Indonesia 11,6276,28010,4909,7919,307
Myanmar 5,5832,4924,1362,9208,960
Bangladesh 11,8238,86813,52614,2798,930
Spain 4,5155,8597,0238,0928,440
Mexico 7,7085,1195,7076,6978,141
Romania 13,03710,68110,3748,8598,047
Türkiye 7,2436,2627,3147,6228,019
Japan 9,3818,5529,1618,2028,007
Poland 7,7087,0247,8796,8987,232
Italy 7,9785,8796,28211,6316,557
China 8,5286,9728,0157,2796,513
Cambodia 1,3331,7613,9674,5716,364
Slovakia 4,8896,8228,0007,4076,241
Russian Federation 5,0616,3128,3356,0005,697
Saudi Arabia 8649301,1531,8665,499
Ukraine 2,0782,2364,9044,2655,301
Morocco 7,0145,8777,6515,1384,809
Sources: ITC calculations based on UN COMTRADE and ITC statistics.
The world aggregation represents the sum of reporting and non reporting countries
Data based on the partner reported data (Mirror data) are shown in orange
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