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List of importers for the selected product

Product: 9110 Complete, unassembled or partly assembled watch or clock movements or movement sets; incomplete ...

Unit : US Dollar thousand
Time Period (number of columns) :  
Rows per page
HS4ImportersImported value in 2019Imported value in 2020Imported value in 2021Imported value in 2022Imported value in 2023sortOrderDESC
World 468,906326,069395,553439,524371,687
Hong Kong, China 231,339144,295179,021191,393166,530
Singapore 43,49556,00465,83489,16084,251
Japan 57,75941,09742,49258,18141,523
Malaysia 31,86117,25821,10225,12017,612
Thailand 4,8417,99214,23712,72211,752
China 42,44815,96429,63914,35810,658
India 6,5904,3815,4879,2815,156
Brazil 4,5411,6752,9674,2324,394
Germany 1,7641,3391,3571,4382,809
Korea, Republic of 3,0822,9124,1743,7932,510
France 2,3456631,0371,6312,442
Switzerland 6,7553,5223,5302,2382,268
Iceland 472701,0272,0242,243
United States of America 2,7701,7982,3183,2691,743
Spain 2,1821,5861,9761,9171,735
Bangladesh 79271701,2311,720
Philippines 4214728542551,357
Italy 7126428211,2171,142
United Kingdom 2652867676891,057
Lithuania 1389141,0971,067869
Netherlands 5501,6713,157477865
Taipei, Chinese 10,77113,2334,311857853
United Arab Emirates 4,9062,3695091,032755
Portugal 181443282566
Sources: ITC calculations based on UN COMTRADE and ITC statistics.
The world aggregation represents the sum of reporting and non reporting countries
Data based on the partner reported data (Mirror data) are shown in orange
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