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List of importers for the selected product

Product: 6808 Panels, boards, tiles, blocks and similar articles of vegetable fibre, of straw or of shavings, ...

Unit : US Dollar thousand
Time Period (number of columns) :  
Rows per page
HS4ImportersImported value in 2019Imported value in 2020Imported value in 2021Imported value in 2022Imported value in 2023sortOrderDESC
World 479,265391,239446,020491,607511,619
Viet Nam 3,8433,4512,5474,99750,855
Germany 32,15732,10138,41841,82938,938
Spain 25,96923,24027,12531,66833,315
Russian Federation 13,69714,42315,86514,41728,317
United States of America 17,54012,05517,92524,12627,283
Switzerland 19,20817,96822,40323,82624,587
Australia 5,4543,9207,91121,51719,284
Myanmar 15,24111,58511,39115,60718,851
Netherlands 31,09421,53423,05514,54816,154
France 8,92211,03514,36914,78715,408
Austria 14,30911,48715,18519,24813,094
Denmark 16,55717,98619,86316,56912,290
Belgium 9,5349,28112,58713,61610,592
United Kingdom 74,89745,05824,49216,04610,427
Luxembourg 8,9179,40711,36713,8469,719
Poland 4,1954,3416,9127,9889,687
Romania 3,6052,5661,9753,1257,182
Italy 9,2085,97411,60513,2696,855
Kazakhstan 2,7683,3383,7566,9675,791
Lithuania 3,0422,6805,0416,4835,400
Korea, Republic of 8,8205,2167,3726,5885,120
Ireland 7,3266,0643,6912,5415,046
United Arab Emirates 2,1551,8761,4102,3155,014
Canada 4,3962,9692,3153,1054,989
Sources: ITC calculations based on UN COMTRADE and ITC statistics.
The world aggregation represents the sum of reporting and non reporting countries
Data based on the partner reported data (Mirror data) are shown in orange
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