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List of exporters for the selected product in 2023

Product : 4403 Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared (excl. rough-cut ...

Rows per page
Value exported in 2023 (USD thousand)sortOrderDESCTrade balance in 2023 (USD thousand)Quantity exported in 2023Quantity UnitUnit value (USD/unit)Annual growth in value between 2019-2023 (%)Annual growth in quantity between 2019-2023 (%)Annual growth in value between 2022-2023 (%)Share in world exports (%)Average distance of importing countries (km)Concentration of importing countries
World 12,696,398-1,886,6500No quantity -2 -171005,7530.18
New Zealand 1,998,6641,994,71820,993,629Tons95-1-6-1215.710,1520.81
United States of America 1,612,9691,389,8660No quantity 1 -1712.78,8650.27
Germany 938,519454,1996,706,956Tons1406-4-187.43,7750.22
Uruguay 819,873817,21410,460,944Tons7821226.516,0490.76
Czech Republic 629,915431,2784,891,789Tons129-3-19-4256240.34
Papua New Guinea 536,264536,2600No quantity -4 -164.25,8270.81
Canada 478,364169,4250No quantity -1 -103.86,6290.31
France 431,006295,7022,791,252Tons154101-153.42,8390.13
Poland 353,208194,2572,236,119Tons1581,1452,532-202.81,9830.15
Belgium 344,15550,0781,608,834Tons214-5 -432.75,8100.27
Latvia 322,112207,3912,534,307Tons12713-1-202.51,2950.27
Norway 301,057279,4713,649,871Tons8283-42.46230.45
Solomon Islands 276,250276,2500No quantity -10-10-212.26,7820.92
Russian Federation 194,385194,3830No quantity -39-31-391.54,7940.89
Spain 192,54784,0317,033,589Cubic meters2711 121.57880.68
Estonia 183,49797,9601,734,270Tons1068-3131.46900.36
Congo 176,483176,2850No quantity -7 -41.410,0320.58
Slovakia 172,73759,9251,931,958Cubic meters893 -61.41,2210.16
Finland 167,314-52,4211,338,870Tons1251114101.39890.35
Japan 164,899-394,7621,595,406Cubic meters1034751.31,7760.76
Sweden 160,095-498,8021,052,070Tons1521617-311.38410.18
Slovenia 155,64682,5911,044,857Tons1494-8-91.21,5090.24
Brazil 154,312153,6161,434,371Tons1081813-241.212,1240.3
Netherlands 149,88627,6843,632,604Cubic meters4125 -591.25,0850.37
Sources: ITC calculations based on UN COMTRADE and ITC statistics.
The world aggregation represents the sum of reporting and non reporting countries
The data in orange represents mirror figures based on partner data.
The quantities shown in dark green are estimated by ITC. For further information, please refer to the ITC explanatory note.
The quantities shown in light green are estimated by UNSD. For further information, please refer to the UNSD explanatory note.
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