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List of importers for the selected product

Product: 2502 Unroasted iron pyrites

Unit : US Dollar thousand
Time Period (number of columns) :  
Rows per page
HS4ImportersImported value in 2019Imported value in 2020Imported value in 2021Imported value in 2022Imported value in 2023sortOrderDESC
World 72,13878,12495,121104,907118,376
China 39,25050,08858,54469,63077,284
Italy 4,9592,1534,0203,6146,825
Germany 4,6814,0823,0192,3005,162
Canada 5524416839042,964
Taipei, Chinese 1842324514,9322,772
United States of America 1,5662,3582,3763,2332,664
Japan 3,0132,1543,6822,3912,012
Spain 5734194,0451,5441,463
India 1,0379951,2311,4051,445
Malaysia 4065001,414
Singapore 01,5252,0131,2611,374
Australia 7321,3981,5517171,220
Indonesia 5,9681,581951461,193
United Kingdom 1,2821,7077061,429985
Korea, Republic of 1,161840909928909
Thailand 3802245101,142810
Brazil 425439580613711
Denmark 360302284464700
Mexico 1,0371,1645151,031615
Türkiye 269327436352606
Austria 473410553531561
Slovenia 109140302232499
France 308196357359386
Pakistan 3799130385350
Sources: ITC calculations based on UN COMTRADE and ITC statistics.
The world aggregation represents the sum of reporting and non reporting countries
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