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List of importers for the selected product

Product: 7015 Clock or watch glasses and similar glasses, glasses for non-corrective or corrective spectacles, ...

Unit : US Dollar thousand
Time Period (number of columns) :  
Rows per page
HS4ImportersImported value in 2019Imported value in 2020Imported value in 2021Imported value in 2022Imported value in 2023sortOrderDESC
World 174,226157,224259,758285,730174,119
China 29,97323,37531,83923,32229,756
Hong Kong, China 31,19617,90621,04826,02123,424
Italy 15,04212,90523,98123,18122,645
Thailand 23,97416,46527,11225,20021,772
Belgium 2492,3757,1235,6488,229
United States of America 6,3425,4616,1865,6358,059
India 9,2558,0756,8425,8626,360
Mexico 4,9593,0263,7253,6886,085
Taipei, Chinese 4,0482,3953,8313,6934,008
Germany 3,7273,1685,0445,1373,667
Hungary 3,2833,9563,4603,4813,653
France 2,8923,0813,8023,1963,615
Japan 4,5732,7222,9192,9963,407
Spain 1,0581,2291,7832,5593,255
Malaysia 2,9243,8523,8222,9652,944
Switzerland 3,1702,6834,0634,0542,881
United Kingdom 2,3112,3872,4932,3982,500
Dominican Republic 6748056981,0681,356
Poland 3051677429731,063
Netherlands 6022998679091,025
Türkiye 4665371,3321,141829
Singapore 1,8538809511,525751
Indonesia 740798720722734
Portugal 1,110898929846679
Sources: ITC calculations based on UN COMTRADE and ITC statistics.
The world aggregation represents the sum of reporting and non reporting countries
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